September's Millennium Student of the Month is 11th grader Madison Mendoza. Here is the short narrative from her Spanish teacher, Mr. Davenport:
"Madison Mendoza is a leader in multiple contexts who holds both herself and her peers to high expectations. She is a leader on the mat as a cheerleader, where she serves as captain. Leading by example, Madi pushes herself to grow and get better every single day, and pushes her teammates to do the same. In the classroom, Madi is a leader, where she gathers primarily As and Bs. She holds herself accountable for performing well in her classes, and assists others as well to help them also reach their goals in class. In fact, she is a huge help to her classmates, teachers, coaches and teammates. Madi is always asking how she can help, steps in when a voice is needed, and is a willing volunteer to ensure the success of her class or her team. She also offers great ideas. She is not afraid to take on multiple responsibilities either, also serving as a club leader in MHS' Hype Squad. Madi's dedication trickles down to others, which makes her such an effective leader and model for others to follow."