The Rotary Club of Goodyear PebbleCreek provides scholarships for two girls to attend middle and high school in Zacualpa, El Quiche, Guatemala, a small village in the mountains of Guatemala.  In Zacualpa, it is not normal practice for girls to attend school as it is a poor village and boys have priority if the family has any money for their children’s education.  Our two scholarships pay for middle school ($400/year) and high school ($800/year).  We have one student in middle school and one in high school, renewing the same two girls’ scholarships each year until high school graduation, when we select another recipient for the middle school scholarship to start the process over.  We receive many letters and photos from “our” girls and it is obvious that our Rotary club has become a significant factor in their lives.  They are so very grateful for our being there for them and we are so very grateful that we are able to provide the girls with, perhaps, their only opportunity for an education.